What Is a Smart Key and How Does It Work?
What is a smart key? It is a system of unlocking or locking a door without the use of a traditional key. For vehicles equipped with such a system, it will also unlock the trunk as well. This means vehicle owners only need to press the appropriate buttons on the smart key to activate the locking mechanism or even start the vehicle.
The first smart keys were patented by Daimler-Benz in 1997.
The advantage of a smart key system is clear. It works just like a remote control, but for your vehicle. As an added advantage, vehicles equipped with this system can sense if the smart key has been left inside. The technology prevents accidental lockouts from occurring. The vehicle will also not start unless the smart key is present inside the vehicle.
The One Issue? Losing the Smart Key!
The biggest problem that smart key owners face isn’t locking themselves out. It’s forgetting where they put their smart key in the first place. Not every locksmith provides a supply of smart keys or is able to program them for all cars. Not every service provider performs services at the customer’s location, preventing the need for a tow, but here’s the good news: we do provide those services.
There is also the issue of a smart key battery failing. In this instance, a traditional key blade can be extended to access the vehicle. Other systems use transponders so that batteries are even needed.
Smart keys have helped to increase vehicle security and safety. When you lose your smart key, don’t worry! Just contact us at 347-797-1671 about your make and model and we’ll be happy to supply and program a replacement for you.
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